acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise

Our Team

We seek to provide you with the best possible solution for your health.

We offer individualized treatments in a global approach, with your specific needs in mind.

acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise


Hand rehabilitation

Manual lymphatic drainage

Florence Varesio Pauthex

078 875 19 05

Florence is an AGP / Physioswiss physiotherapist who graduated in 1995 and a member of the Hand Rehabilitation Clinical Group since 2006.

She is trained in kinesio-taping training (2013) and has a diploma from the Ecole Romande de Réflexologie since 2017.

She offers individualised treatments in physiotherapy and reeducation, using different techniques such as manual therapy, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), kinesiotape as well as active rehabilitation in orthopedics and rhumatology.

acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise


Sports Rehabilitation

Osteopathic techniques (manual therapy)

Michael is a licensed physiotherapist AGP / Physioswiss since 1996.

He is also a licensed osteopath since 2005 and holds a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in sports rehabilitation (2018).

He specialises in orthopedics, rhumatology and manual therapy (osteopathic techniques), as well as in active and sports rehabilitation.

acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise


Chinese herbal medicine

Japanese moxibustion - Okyu

Eric Eric is a licensed acupuncturist from the Europe-Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine, has a Ph.D. in acupuncture (Beijing) and is a member of the Swiss Association of TCM Practitionners (

He is trained in Chinese herbal medicine, following the Classical Prescriptions system (jing fang) and is a practitioner of Japanese moxibustion - Okyu.

He is also a physiotherapist since 1996 and trained in manual therapy (osteopathic techniques).

Recognised by ASCA and RME.

acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise, hypnose, kinésiologie, maieusthésie


Amandine Kolly

079 416 41 43

Instagram : ak_hypnotherapeute

Amandine est hypnothérapeute, diplômée en hypnose Elmanienne en 2022.

Cette méthode d’hypnose moderne est orientée solution.
L’hypnose est un état de conscience modifié, de détente totale dans lequel vous pouvez accéder à vos ressources intérieures et à votre capacité de guérison.
Amandine sera votre guide sur le chemin que vous déciderez de prendre et vous aidera à atteindre les états les plus appropriés pour résoudre votre problématique.
acupuncture, acupuncture genève, acupuncteur genève, médecine chinoise, stress, burn-out, règles douloureuses, ménopause, fatigue, bien-être, rééquilibrage énergétique, cabinet-du-1er-aout, constipation, allergies, migraines, maux-de-tête, convalescence, coronavirus, covid-19, physiothérapie, rééducation de la main, réflexologie, ostéopathie, rééducation, médecine du sport, satigny, équilibres, phytothérapie chinoise, hypnose, kinésiologie, maieusthésie



Arnaud est kinésiologue, spécialisé en maïeusthésie et harmonisation des lieux de vie.

Formé en Kinésiologie de 2016 à 2020 avec les méthodes de santé par le touché, SIPS, Brain Gym et kiné harmonique ainsi qu’en Maïeusthésie de 2019 à 2023.

Il a aussi suivi un parcours en coaching, PNL et communication non-violente de 2013 à 2017.

Vous trouverez toutes les informations et détails sur son site :

Therapies and care

With Florence or Michael

When your physical health is compromised or after an accident, a surgery, an acute or chronic illness causing pain, movement reduction and impairing your quality of life, physiotherapy is the key for you to regain as much physical abilities as possible so that you can go on your daily life with ease, get back to work, practice your sports and hobbies, depending on your condition and rehabilitation potential.

We are here to help you improve your autonomy while staying active in your private and social life, to support and guide you during this process and show you the path towards a better health and quality of life.

With Michael

After a physical impairement caused by an accident or an overload during your sports practice or your hobbies, we offer you a personalised and customized care for you to get back to shape, according to your objectives and abilities.

With Florence

Hand therapy is the art and science of evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity, using a specific and specialized physiotherapy.

Whether from a trauma (fractures, sprains, surgery, etc.), neuro-vegetative problems (CRPS / Sudek, edema, circulatory disorders, etc...) or in daily life activities, the hand requires specific car to recover proper function and autonomy as fast as possible.

With Florence

Using slow, successive and gentle hand pressure, Manual Lymphatic Drainage promotes and improves the flow of the lymph through the body, for the treatment of edemas after a trauma (sprain, fracture, surgery), a neuro-vegetative disease (CRPS or Sudek), a breast cancer or in case of circulatory disorders of the lower limbs.

With Michael

A manual care whose objective is to restore an harmonious function of the various structures and systems of the human body, for it to get back its autoregulation abilities.

After a complete and thorough evaluation of the causes or roots of the neurological,-musculo-skeletal, visceral and cranial dysfunctions, the osteopath uses precise manual adjustment techniques to help restore their optimal function to the joints, muscles, fascias, nerves and organs.

This restores balance to the body and relieves the patient's symptoms.

With Eric

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for over 2500 years, and acupuncture is an important part of TCM, along with moxibustion (heat application on specific points or areas with sticks or cones of compressed and dried mugwort), pharmacopoea (herbal medicine), cupping, massage (Tui Na), dietetics and Qi Gong.

This medicine takes in account the person as a whole, body and mind, being one with the world around.

We are made of, animated and sustained by constant energy flows whom, when they circulate in a free and harmoniously way, keep us healthy and in balance with Nature.

This flow can be slowed, impaired or blocked by many causes: stress, overwork, bad eating habits, emotions, surrounding factors, climate, etc...

This imbalance, if not corrected, can lead to disease.

The acupuncturist will seek to restore free flow and proper balance to these energy movements and to restore harmonious relations between the different organs and parts of the body, so it can prevent or treat the disease. It can also be used as an addition to other treatments.

After a thorough evaluation (questions, palpation, auscultation, observation of the tongue, pulse check) the acupuncturist will work with fine sterile needles inserted through the skin on specific points, in combination or not with other techniques (moxa, cupping, massages).

The technique is gentle and painless, even if we can sometimes feel unusual or slightly uncomfortable sensations such as small prick, numbness, irradiations... However, these sensations are totally normal during an acupuncture treatment and subside rapidly.

Depending on the case, the acupuncturist can also give you dietetics and lifestyle advices to optimise the treatment and avoid recurrences. He can also add a treatment with Chinese herbal medicine.

There are many indications for the use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and although it can be used for any disease, it doesn't mean that it can cure everything. No medicine can pretend to do so.

It can be used for therapeutic treatments, prevention or as an addition to other cares and can even help the patient in serious cases by giving support and comfort by strengthening the vitality of the patient.

With Eric

The Chinese herbal medicine is the main and most used branch of TCM in China. It uses a wide rang of substances from nature: plants, minerals, animals parts and mushrooms.

After an evaluation with the therapist and, in some cases, with the agreement of your doctor, we can offer you an personalized and custom made treatment that will fit your condition.

Our treatment method is based on the Classical Prescriptions principles (jing fang) and we never use already made formulas, each prescription is an individual one.

Usually the treatments are given as a decoction to be prepared by the patient, with the help of complete and precise instructions, because it is the most efficient and powerful method, especially in case of acute syndromes (like Covid-19 for instance). It can also be given as powder, pills or tablets).

Most of the prescriptions are made of plants, and the harvest, selection, dosage, formulation and preparation of these substances follow a very strict and precise set of rules and guidelines, tested and approved by centuries of practice.

We don't prepare these substances ourselves: they come from serious, controlled and renowned occidental laboratories who must follow a set of complete and strict specifications, such as chemical chromatography analysis, research for pesticides, heavy metals, GMOs and other pollutants and, of course, the strict ban of protected or forbidden species in Europe.

It is important to note that, as the prescriptions are not medical prescriptions according to the law, the cost of the plants is not covered by health insurances. Usually a treatment costs between 2 to 5 francs a day, and as most of the time it doesn't exceed a few days or weeks, it is very reasonable.

With Eric

Moxibustion has always been associated with acupuncture and the Chinese name for "acupuncture", zhen jiu, means "needle and moxibustion".

It involves slowly heating a plant, mugwort (Artemisia Princeps Montana), on some specific areas or points of the body.

It is dried, prepared and refined to a cotton-like consistency and often used as very small cones, like a rice kernel, to drain and promote circulation, or as bigger ones to heat and nourish. Warm bamboo massage (Ontake) with hot mugwort inside is very efficient and pleasant and can even be used on children.

Moxibustion comes from China originally, but it has been refined as a very sophisticated and precise craft in Japan, to the point where some specialists have been using this method for centuries, to treat all imbalances.

Studies have also shown a significant immunity stimulation effect following the use of moxibustion.

Totally natural, this technique is particularly efficient to disperse and clear all king of blocage, energy and blood stagnation and is a must against pain and fatigue. It gives back a proper balance to the body, by its dual aspect of drainage and supplementation, depending on the techniques used.

L’hypnose Elmanienne est une méthode d’hypnose moderne orientée solution.
L’hypnose est un état de conscience modifié, de détente totale dans lequel vous pouvez accéder à vos ressources intérieures et à votre capacité de guérison.
L’hypnothérapie est l ‘utilisation de l’hypnose dans le but de vous aider à obtenir les changements désirés, à changer vos habitudes, à vous débarrasser de vos croyances limitantes, à vous libérer de votre anxiété, stress, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.
Quel que soit le domaine, vous trouvez alors rapidement des solutions et de manière durable
Tout le monde est capable d’entrer dans cet état de conscience modifié tout en restant maître de la situation. 
Amandine sera votre guide sur le chemin que vous déciderez de prendre et vous aidera à atteindre les états les plus appropriés pour résoudre votre problématique.


  • Physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage treatments with a medical prescription are covered by the basis (LaMal) or international insurances.

  • Without prescription or for osteopathic techniques and Chinese medicine, the invoice for the consultation must be settled right away.
  • Chinese medicine as well as osteopathic techniques treatments can be covered by complementary insurances (except Visana).
  • Means of payment: cash, Twint, debit or credit cards.

Acupuncture Moxibustion Phytotherapy

1st session
CHF 120
  • Direct payment
  • Coverage possible
  • With complementary insurance

Acupuncture Moxibustion Phytotherapy

Follow-up sessions
CHF 100
  • Direct payment
  • Coverage possible
  • With complementary insurance

Acupuncture : facial care and rejuvenation (1h)

Acupuncture + guasha + manual treatment
CHF 150
  • Direct payment
  • Coverage possible
  • With complementary insurance

Address and contact

78, route de la Gare-de-Satigny
1242 Satigny

Trains : lines SL5 or SL6 : lines SL5 and SL6

Bus : 70, 71, 72, 73 et 74

Stops Satigny-Gare or Champ Magnin

Free parking at 100m towards the station (chemin Mère-Jeanne) à 100m en direction de la gare (rte Mère-Jeanne)

Contact us

Online appointment for Chinese medicine